Saturday, March 3, 2012

Well here's hoping that someone took my advice and stopped and beheld gifts of Nature.  Now that Spring is around the corner, if you take a walk through the park, it feels like the earth is trying to send up a message of "GREEN" and the world thinks  "GO"   Tiny blades of grass are venturing out. I even saw a squirrel scurry here and there to see what's going around his part of the world. The geese think it warm enough to come back to town and even shared their eats with a dozen pigeons and a few sparrows.      How about you?  What's on your mind today, I hope, only happy thoughts of the day. 
A couple weeks ago, as I walked by the side of the lake, through the white expanse of a recent snow fall, I saw footprints of a human that had left their imprint in the soft snow and amongst them a quad of paw prints and several bird feet as well.  What did they think about?  Was there joy or immense sorrow, was there anticipation or dread?  Who knows? But, I do know this, if a human footprint was side by side with that of a paw, there must have been much joy and gladness.  Is it not amazing that one's pets love you unconditionally.  Yes, that is exactly what Mother Nature does for us as well, always giving, never expecting.  

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